Peekaboo with a tiny eel


The other day at Mahukona I spotted this dwarf moray peeking out at me from under a rock, about eight feet deep.  The first few times I dove down for a photo it retreated back out of sight.  I finally had to wait down there for almost a minute—pretty close to my maximum bottom time—until the eel’s curiosity got the best of it and it poked its head back out to see if I was still there.  A couple of minutes later it swam out into the open and quickly disappeared under a larger rock.

These eels only get about twelve inches long.  According to Hoover, they’re fairly common, but are seldom seen due to their secretive habits.  I see one at Mahukona maybe three or four times a year, but this is the fist time I’ve managed to get a photo.

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